29 December 2018

Rewrite the Stars ♪♫ - The Greatest Showman

Hey guys :) So it's been quite some time since I last checked in here but life happened! Anyway... today I'd like to share with you some thoughts from one of the latest musicals 'The Greatest Showman'. Personally, I think that this musical revolves around a lot of life issues and manages to deal with each one as a celebration. Today, my thoughts go out to all those couples struggling with their relationships because they're scared of letting them out in the open. 


It is so unfair that people feel pressured when expressing what they really feel for someone. Why shouldn't we all be free to love whoever we want? Some might say it was a taboo of the past. Unfortunately, today, we still meet a lot of people who are hurt because they are forced to hide their relationship with someone just because others don't approve of it. We should never judge by appearance; on the other hand, we should be willing to celebrate people who are different from us... they add colour to our lives! 

♪♫ What if we rewrite the stars ... say you were made to be mine ... nothing could keep us apart and you'd be the one I was meant to find ... it's up to you and it's up to me ... no one can say what we get to be ... so why don't we rewrite the stars maybe the world could be ours tonight ♪♫ 

This is what we should call a "celebration of humanity". 

Stay tuned :)

3 June 2018

Emma's Theme ♪♫ - Jennifer Morrison

Hey guys :) So today I decided to share with you some thoughts from my favourite Series, Once Upon a Time. Of all the songs in the musical episode, I think that this song really digs deep into a person's heart and soul. It's the moment when Emma really admits who she really is ... not only that she has been a lost girl all her life but also that she did finally find what she was looking for - her family. 

I'd like to dedicate this song to all those who are searching for something or someone and have been doing so their entire life. In times of absolute darkness it's very easy to give up and let your anger take over your life. The heartbreak can also lead you to do unspeakable things but running from your troubles is never the answer. You have to look for your life, even if the search seems futile and in vain because if you ever stop looking you will never find the answers. 

And sometimes, the answer is right in front of us and all we need to do is open our eyes to see it!

Stay tuned! :)

13 February 2018

Taboo ♪♫ - Christabelle Borg

Hey guys! So it's been some time since I tuned in but life happens! The song I have chosen is the entry that my country, Malta, has chosen to represent us in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 in Portugal. 

Everyone has his/her own story to tell so before we start judging and shooting conclusions about people we should get to know them first. Everyone is a human being with a heart that feels and beats as much as yours so when you meet someone make sure to be nice and friendly because you can never know exactly what goes on in their mind and in their life. People who suffer in silence when no-one else is looking are not weird or any different from us ... they are just looking out for us to understand them and be their friend. 

It doesn't take much to get out of your comfort zone and be a friend to someone who may seem different from you. All it takes is a little courage and faith to take the first step and do the right thing. Someone is waiting to take your hand and be your friend ... gotta be your own miracle!

Stay tuned :)