Hey guys :) So today I decided to share with you some thoughts from my favourite Series, Once Upon a Time. Of all the songs in the musical episode, I think that this song really digs deep into a person's heart and soul. It's the moment when Emma really admits who she really is ... not only that she has been a lost girl all her life but also that she did finally find what she was looking for - her family.
I'd like to dedicate this song to all those who are searching for something or someone and have been doing so their entire life. In times of absolute darkness it's very easy to give up and let your anger take over your life. The heartbreak can also lead you to do unspeakable things but running from your troubles is never the answer. You have to look for your life, even if the search seems futile and in vain because if you ever stop looking you will never find the answers.
And sometimes, the answer is right in front of us and all we need to do is open our eyes to see it!
Stay tuned! :)